Getting your profile together
On tinder you have about one second to make a good impression with hot women. This means you have to do a few things immediately.
- Identify yourself- If a girls photo pops up on tinder and has more than one girl.... I always assume the girl is the ugly one. So I click no fast. Make sure you and only you are in the photo. If she can't identify...she will deny. I suggest you go with 3 types of first photo's
- What a normal nice guy- This is usually a picture of you looking nice, smiling, and doing something normal. Try to stay away form the mirror self portraits. Also stay away form photo's where your significantly different than your current body.
- OMFG thats hilarious- if you have a picture of you in an outfit or something that literally makes people launch a snot rocket from laughing then indeed you can put this photo up. however you probably will get the "attractive nice empty headed fun loving girl". With these photo's (note these chicks are so easy to score with.)
- You with women- Note this has to be done right. If women see's this photo and can identify that you are clearly in the friend zone with all of these chicks you know darn right she will automatically mark the "pussy" box in her mind and pass you. Make sure you and these women are out having fun. Also note these women need to be attractive. I know fat women are far more pleasant and less bitches than their hotter companions. (if you were out to get fatties lets face it you would never be on this site. Men who like fat women rate living in a golden age that the world has never seen.)
- Mutual "likes"- On tinder two things pop up, mutual friends, and shared likes. The biggest thing is to establish commonality. "oh my gosh we both like running and taylor swift!" (I personally do not recommend liking taylor swift you will be labeled a pussy.) I do recommend two simple ways to use common likes to score dates.
- Go out and like as many things as you can- This is a simple strategy....... Yet deadly. When that girl pulls up the results and says "OMG he likes that also!" Commonality that magic word will score you more conversations, more intrest, and more dates. Now some of you nay sayers out their are saying "But what if they wanna talk about something I know nothing about. I have some simple answers. Tell women that you must have liked that on accident. Or........ you just get on this one website I use sometime and do some freaking research you lazy broseph!
- Talk about things people love- If you both love the goo goo dolls then of course you both will naturally start to like each other once you discuss the goo goo dolls! However dont approach it like an idiot! Say me and said girl both have a mutual like for switchfoot. I wont approach her and say
her: "yes"
chump: "Ummm thats awesome! I really like them also!"
her: "(no response)"
How you should ask about mutual likes.
her: "I actually havn't heard the last album, I was a huge switchfoot fan back in highschool. Sadly I am behind on whats happeinging with the band!
me: "Not a hardcore fan eh...... Hmm I guess i can overlook this, but only casue your so cute ;) You actually look like one of the women in (insert switchfoot music video link) Why the heck are you on tinder? you must have boys lined up to hit on you like fat kids in line for the icecream truck!
I will touch on more methods/strategies in the next tinder segment. UNTIL THEN.......
Dr. NCMO Love master Jay.