Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tinder Advice Part 2A

I'll be honest. I just got 6 yes six bonafide hotties to go out with me on tinder. I am super pleased with the list. I'll break down the list. And once I select one of these girls to date (If I do at all). I will post pictures of these girls with a black stripe over their eyes to maintain anonymity.

My six women and how I got them on Tinder. 

Each woman I used a different strategy. I'll break down all 6 below. 

1.) Former Utes Cheerleader. (Who is an absolute doll.) 

I used the "Wow what freak thing brought awesome people like you and me to use this dating app." This is a strategy you can't use if your ugly. (sorry man if your pushing 300 pounds no woman will believe that you have a plethora of women..... especially if they meet you on a online dating app.) 

  • Use an opener of your in shock a classy, good-looking, sexy girl like herself is on the dating app. Possible openers can be "Wow you seem far to nice and adorable to be on this app! Whats the story behind you using this? Bet you have to beat the boys off with a stick!" 

  • To make this work well you have to have screening wording in your profile description. stuff like "I only date blondes." or "I'm just on here for fun highly unlikely I'll go out with anyone on here just doing this for kicks." or "No crazies please!" This wording implies that you already have women hitting on you and you are indeed "screening" women and searching for a "High quality woman". 
  • I talked with the cheerleader. During which we both talked about how people are so over the top when trying to get a date. How it was hard to find quality people. Then i just simply said "you seem really fun and super chill lets go to a baseball game next week. (You can insert any event here.) SHe said she would love to.... and "That SOUNDS SO FUN!" 
 2.) Make an Offer they can't refuse

  • I landed a Grade a hottie whose family owns an up and coming chain of restraints here in the state of utah. Despite that fact this girl watches her diet and lets just say the female sex pack...... AMAZING!! (the type of girl you literally are tempted to date just to show off to your friends.) 
  • On my initial approach I just went for the basic commonality approach. We both had liked the the Utah Jazz. I promptly asked her if she was just one of the fair weather "kyle korver" Female utah jazz fans. Then I placed a what she thought about the jazz stacking picks. Turned out she is a giant Utah Jazz fan. 

  • Make the offer- Don't make it to unbelievable, but make it awesome. I promptly told her that I had Utah Jazz Pre Season court side seats and asked if she wanted to come. (this of course was a bold faced lie I have no such tickets.) However thats weeks away. So instead we went and got an ice cream (don't worry males her bod is still fine.) that ice cream cost me 50 cents (indeed we went to burger king.) The point is the "offer they can't refuse" opened the door, and her mind to hanging out with you..... Basically your in. 
3.) Appeal to Vanity- Every girl wants to be told she's pretty. Not "Hey babe your ass is a 9 out of 10" instead go with "wow you have such an awesome tan! What beach did you get that on? 

  • I complemented a girls eyes. "Are your eyes on your picture photo shopped? Cause they sam to good to be true!" She replied back her thanks and that they are indeed hers. At which point i told her that they are gorgeous and melted me a little inside. After that it was like finding something green in the rainforest. Success was imminent. 

  • Make sure to look for things you truly think are attractive. Features that most people overlook, style, fashion, and their tastes in music. People want to be popular, want to be complimented, feel unique. DOnt impress her let HER tell YOU about HERSELF! The more she tells YOU about HER the more SHE WILL LIKE YOU!!! 

I will break down the other 3 women. I have to go off to chill with my brother. (Bro's before Ho's) 

this man could use some advice from ME. 

Me= Dr. NCMO Love Master Jay 

happy hunting my friends! 

1 comment:

  1. I will say a few words about your dating advice:
    1) Hotties? Even though this term is commonly used it defines woman as some object that creates a reaction in you (like fire or pepper). This is a very poor choice of word considering that you claim yourself to be an LDS "dating guru."
    2) You will post the picture of these girls with a black stripe on their eyes for anonymity? Wait.. You will what?! Who are they to you, some kind of trophy? Are they allowing you to do this? I fear you take this hunting game too literally. You need some serious dating advice from, this time, someone mature and respectful!
    ) Who is your audience? Some shallow men who like you are worried that the 6-pack girl gained a eight of a pound due to an ice-cream? I know you're trying to joke but that's just bad humor.
    3) A strategy you can't use when you're ugly? I get your point, yet who are you to define a 300 pound man as ugly? If I had to choose between a smart, respectful, confident and Christlike 300 pound man and you for a date (no matter how handsome you are), I would definitely not choose a jerk like you.
    4) Believe me when I see a Tinder profile that says "I only date blondes", I get the shallowness of the water I'm stepping into right away and swipe left. I don't mean to be rude to the girls you are manipulating but according to their profiles, they are sexy, materialistic women who seek eyes on them (whether they are conscious of it). And you use them to show of to your friends. Good job!
    5) lThe more she tells you about herself, the more she likes you"? Again, who are those girls you are talking to? They sound seriously needy and in dire need of therapy (both for their esteem and their ability to find healthy, caring men).
    Conclusion: Let me tell you that you are in no place to give dating advice. The way you approach women is disgusting and I am shocked to think that you may even be a priesthood holder. I mean no harm to you, rather I really want you to wake up and grow up. I invite you to change you perspective and repent, by seeking actual dating advice, learning to respect women and putting all of this in practice. Believe me, I am not feminist, yet your article drove me nuts. Thank you for reading.
