Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dump........ The Friend Zone

Let's face it female friends suck........... either you like them, or them you. But lets face it someone is always using you. Here is a list of acceptable uses of female friends. (note because of the rapid marriage rate of LDS females, your "friend" will be married and gone soon anyway.

  • Study partner for college class (only if you need her help, and she is better at the subject than you.) Don't let her use you as a free tutor and an emotional tampon for her failed relationships. 
  • Relatives, cousins aunts sisters. Honestly develop these friendships over any other female friendships. Plus prospective girl friends will see your great relationships and think "wow this guy is dope". This is far better than her seeing you around a lot of girls that all deem you as "just a friend". 
  • girlfriends/wives of a mutual friend. But note this is almost a half friendship if your roommate and his gf are constantly at your apartment you should prob be somewhat of a friend to them. 
  • Exes that you no longer want to date, but are fine with the possibility of a FWB (friends with benefits situation.) 
  • Co workers (note do not let her take advantage of you). 
Yep that's about it. So right now i want you to disapear from all your female "friends" lives. You will start to see a few dramatic things happen.

  • Your old "friends" will start to wonder what your up to. They will call and start chasing you. 
  • Women will start viewing you as "That guy who likes me" or "That guy who doesn't like me" instead of. "Oh he is such a good friend!" 
  • You will start to have more self respect. 
  • You will stop wasting your time and money hanging out with women who just want to use you. Why should you be spending your time hanging with someone else's GF/Wife
  • You will save yourself all the frustration of "I don't know if she likes me" and or "It's a complicated situation. 
Now how do you stay out of friend zone with girls. It's simple, if you like a girl let them know that your interested in them sexually/romantically (don't let sexual be deemed a dirty word, kissing hugging cuddling can all be deemed sexual, everyone makes babies with their spouse lets not be babies about terms here). Notice how I didn't say "let them know you like them" NO NO NO "let them know your attracted and you wont settle for anything less."  Plus lets be honest how many guys are stuck HIDING THERE TRUE FEELINGS in order to keep "her friendship". When you hide your true feelings you end up lying to that person, suppressing things you want to say, and being a fake person WHO DOES NOT PURSUE OR CHASE WHAT HE WANTS! you essentially are bending to that woman's will. You are being a pansy. Lets stop being a pansy.

Homework/What you should have gotten out of this post. 

What you got out of it. 

  • There is no reason to have female "friends" 
  • Stop hiding your intentions/attraction towards females. 
  1. End or significantly reduce all female friendships
  2. Stop doing favors for your female "friends" 
  3. Don't apologize to your female "friends" for not being there for them.
  4. Stop being the shoulder to cry on for females, especially in dating. Just say "hey i'm not your girl friend i don't wanna hear about johnny making out with your sister."
Good luck

DR. NCMO LoveMaster Jay


  1. Men, do not listen to this blog. What a pathetic take on dating/female friends. First, everyone needs friends - male and female. Second, having a female friends allows you to get to know her friends as well so while she may not be of interest her friends might be. Third saying "Now how do you stay out of friend zone with girls. It's simple, if you like a girl let them know that your interested in them sexually." Really? Yes, this will move you out of the friend zone but right in to the creeper zone. If this does attract a girl she is more likely than not slutty, your relationship will be superficial and it won't last long.

    Your blogs are tacky and lack deep thought. I hate to think of what would happen to men if they actually listened to your classless advice.

    1. Kallie ....... i changes "sexual" to Sexual/romantic. Honestly Kallie once you get married will you still hang out with your guy friends???? Heck no you wont. We all know guys get used by females that put them in the "friend zone" far more than women. This Blog isn't intended for everyone especially females. However I wont get into "your a sick perve" or devalue you in order for me to feel better. Also what makes someone a "slut"? An Ammish person or someone who believes that kissing before marriage is obscene might deem you a "slut". I do not think you grasp how much abuse males take from their female "friends" everyday. It is important......and essential for these guys to get out of these relationships. Keep hating kale, but i guarantee if i walked up to you and said "hey i think your gorgeous and seem cool, I'd like to get to know you." You would not blurt out "get away you sick creep" also you would know that i'd be interested in you romanticly/sexually or deem you attractive. Plus you wouldn't think to yourself "hmmmm this guy would make a good friend". Lastly agreed if you like someone you should tell them, i believe that is the whole point of the article. I'd ask you not to leave hateful comments on my blog have a great day!

  2. Kallie Thank you for your great post had it not been for you I would have read the Guru's posts. Oh wait I did read em and he's spot on I think you're a blog Nazi of sorts who likes to stifle other creativity and ideas. You fail to deduce the reasoning behind the posts and like thumper says if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. You opened yourself up To this rebuttal. If you feel like putting on your big girl panties and respond to this feel free to. just know nobody takes your words for anything other than Thinking "wow Guru is right these girls are hardcore bee's who've been pampered their whole life." Congrats Kallie you receive the award for "nobody really gives two bits about Kallie's opinion on this page."

    1. Dude I can't lie I'm with Kallie on this one. This guy has it a little backwards on this post

    2. Thank you, Robert. It's nice to know there are still decent guys out there. :-)

    3. Yeah, bro. Since this is girl advice and all I'd probably listen to the girl. Just be cool, be confident, be a good Priesthood holder, and respect girls and that's all you really need. None of this garbage.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I cannot disagree with this post more. I got back from my mission about 6 month ago, it was the best thing for me ever, ever, ever. One of the many fringe bennefits of it was that it helped my confidence shoot through the roof. It also helped me understand the importance of planning, setting and striving to acheive goals and evaluating my efforts and learning from my mistakes. Vitually every skill I have picked up from my mission has been directly applicable in my dating life. I'm really just stunned, I knew that they would help me but I didn't expect just how direct most of the correlations would be.

    I've learned that for the most part, dating isn't really that complicated. In order to date you just have to talk to girls (similar to on the mission, you're not going to have any investigtors unless you are constantly approaching potentials), have confidence, be a nice guy and show a genuine interest in them and you'll surprised how many will be willing to give you at least a first date.

    This formula has worked well, not only for dating, but for making friends in general. Nearly all of my close friends are members of my singles ward that I've met since I've been home and guess what? Probably about 75% of them are girls. Having close platonic female friends has been one of the absolute best things I have ever done for my dating life. The key is, I understand that they're platonic friends and treat them as such. If you're only interested in having female friends that you can make out with, as the following line seems to support

    "Exes that you no longer want to date, but are fine with the possibility of a FWB (friends with benefits situation.)"

    then yeah, I guess platonic friends are a waste of time. However, if you're truly interested in just having a friend, because oh, I don't know... say, they're a nice person and you enjoy their company, then the more platonic female friends you have the better. I am a nice guy, I respect women, I am rock solid in the gospel, I honor my Priesthood, and guess what? These female friends pick up on that and word spreads like wildfire. Let's face it, girls talk. They talk about guys. They talk about who their interested in, who their friends are interested in, who's single and who isn't and... especially, in the singles ward, they love to play match maker, and that has worked overwhelmingly in my favor.

    This whole scenario of girls not being interested because they feel like other girls have stuck me in the friend zone has just not happened. Not in my experience, at least. However, I can list off 4 or 5 instances where a girl has had interest in me, or more interest than she otherwise would have had, because of one of my female friends. Either they introduced us, or they heard something positive about me from one (or several) of them or, they tried to set us up, or outright told her she should date me, etc. Preach My Gospel says that the key to optimum success in missionary work is the support and involvement of the members, if that is true and I wholeheartedly believe it is, then the key to optimum success in dating is the support and involvement of girls. It is the best "publicity" so to speak that you can possibly get. Having girls who are constantly talking positively about you and helping other girls understand that you're an awesome, solid member who honors their Priesthood and treats women well will give you an advantage that there is absolutely no substitute for.

    1. Arthur, you're going to get a wife... but that's because te Lord will bless you, and that's about it. lol

  6. This is the most ridiculous relationship article I've ever read. It's like some Mormon guy discovered the online Pickup Artist community and decided that he's now an expert. Either be a shallow d-bag who's just into girls for the physical aspect or be a genuine nice guy but don't try to be half-way in between the two like this.
